As we approach the two dates in which we remember the births of both Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith, it is interesting to read Francis M. Gibbons talk, “The Savior and Joseph Smith—Alike Yet Unlike.”
Elder Gibbons lists several ways in which Jesus and Joseph are alike, such as coming from highly spiritual homes where visions were experienced by multiple family members. Neither had much academic learning. Both were controversial figures, attacking the existing order of things. Both had kind and loving natures but were fearless in enforcing the right. And both of their births were foreseen long in advance. Joseph Smith was a type and shadow of the Savior as His representative and prophet.
Another Joseph, this one from Egypt, has also been likened to the Savior. In fact, the list is long that likens the two. Both were shepherds. It was prophesied that each one would rule over other children. Both were completely obedient to the Father. Both were given robes of power and both were stripped of their robes by mocking men. Both were sold. And both were Saviors to their people.
These are just a few similarities, but once again, it’s clear that Jesus Christ calls His prophets as a true representation of Himself to guide and gather His people.
The difference between Jesus Christ and His prophets is that He is the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh, with a divine mission to save the world from the clutches of the evil one. If Jesus Christ hadn’t been willing to atone for us, we would all have “become devils, angels to a devil, to be shut out from the presence of our God” (2 Nephi 9:9). What a horrible view of eternity!
While we love our prophets, we adore our Savior. That sweet little babe in a manger had a difficult purpose in store for Him, which He never shirked. Not even once. Because He fulfilled His mission with holy precision and honor, we have the opportunity to return to our Heavenly Home. Sadly, there will be those who will turn their backs on this greatest of all gifts and will still rather become devils and angels to a devil.
We have much to be grateful for the lives of our prophets, who shadow our Savior. And for the Savior, Himself, who waits for us to accept Him, His name, His commandments, and His ultimate and holy gift.
Merry Christmas!