Our world is pretty violent. Is it as violent as Noah’s world, yet?
In April 1991, Robert E. Wells gives a talk entitled, “Peace.” I am thankful to run across this talk, and the hope and comfort he brings to me with his words.
Elder Wells refers to the Sermon on the Mount. He calls it “a blueprint for us to use in our personal path towards perfection.” Listed in this sermon are many of the attributes and qualities we can develop to become more like the Savior, who is perfection and peace.
He describes what it might have been like, listening to the Savior speak on the coast of the Sea of Galilee.
“All are hushed and thoughtful as every face is lifted up, every eye looking towards the Lord, and every ear listening as the Savior tells them what they need to do in order to have peace in their lives.”
I immediately thought of our prophet, today. Pres. Nelson speaks for the Lord. Once again, we are hearing Him (the Lord) tell us what we need to do in order to have peace in our lives. As we practice these attributes and qualities, and act on the invitations of our prophet, we can instigate peace wherever we are. Most importantly, I think, we need to bring peace into our homes. That’s where the world begins, right?
During our last conference, President Henry B. Eyring taught us that we will recreate the city of Enoch in his talk, “Sisters in Zion.” He said,
“You sisters, your daughters, your granddaughters, and the women you have nurtured will be at the heart of creating that society of people who will join in glorious association with the Savior. You will be an essential force in the gathering of Israel and in the creation of a Zion people who will dwell in peace in the new Jerusalem. … If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates. That marvelous potential lies within you, and you are being prepared for it.”
While living on this earth, with all the violence, hate, and anger all around us, we have been promised peace. We will generate this peace through our righteousness. By drawing on the powers of heaven through our covenant-keeping, we will be able to overcome the world, just as our Savior did.