What is it like to be a Senior Missionary?
I can tell you a few things, but it will take me 18 months to give you the full scoop. I invite you to stay with me during this journey as I share the ins and outs of serving a mission for the Lord–even at my and my husband’s advanced ages. As we prepared for our mission, I searched all over the Internet and couldn’t find much to help me feel a little more comfortable about this adventure, so I’ve decided to be a source of good information. Personal experience is the best teacher, right? I’ll write about the good parts and the bad, but hopefully there won’t be very many bad things to report.
My husband served, as a young man, in the Argentina Rosario Mission. I didn’t serve a mission. But when we got married, we always talked about serving together after he retired. We thought that would take forever, even a lifetime, and guess what? It has! And I can’t believe we’ve reached this point in our lives already!

So, back in 2019, we suddenly got a brain-flash that it was time for my husband to retire. This was two years earlier than our “plan” and it definitely came as a surprise, but it was clearly what the Lord wanted us to do. So, after adjusting our thinking, we began preparing our papers for missionary service.

We actually had several things fall into place and thought we were on our way to serve in the Boston Massachusetts Temple.

And lo, and behold, COVID-19 hit the world. Most senior missionary couples were sent home and all temples were closed and we were left with nothing to do. To be honest, we didn’t understand it. We really thought things were falling amazingly into place and we were simply following what the Lord was outlining for us. Our going on a mission couldn’t have been an easier decision. But, it didn’t work out the way we expected. And we had to regroup.
Instead of preparing to go on a mission, we felt (and I use this word cautiously–not with doubt, but with … caution) we should move. So, yes, in the middle of COVID, we moved. That turned out to be an amazing experience, in and of itself. So, even in the midst of disappointment, there were bright moments. I’ve experienced the Lord working this way before in my life. He always manages to leave us wondering, but hopeful. It’s up to us to stay faithful. And this is what we chose to do.

As we waited for another opportunity to serve, temples began opening and we had the opportunity to serve as temple workers again. And that was such a wonderful blessing. If you are in a time in your life where you can spend 4-6 hours a week working in the temple, DO IT! As the world continues to offer us nothing, the temple offers us everything.
A word about serving in the temple:
Don’t worry about the memorization required. I have a terrible memory and I was worried about this. But, I testify, I received help from the Lord and I have been blessed to remember the words so well that I can say it all with feeling and not like a robot, which is a personal concern and victory for me.
So, I think I can count working in not just one temple, but two different temples, as a great blessing of missionary service. In fact, as usual, the Lord has blessed me far more than I have even begun to serve Him.
Stay tuned for more blessings and discoveries of missionary service as I share with you our experiences.
You can continue along with us on our journey here.
‘Advanced ages’? I think not…
However I shall be following along.