I was just reading about Gidgiddoni and Lachoneus, in the Book of Mormon (3 Nephi 3). Giddianhi, the leader of the Gadianton Robbers, has just written a very nasty letter to Lachoneus saying they are going to wipe out all the Nephites.

As our prophets have told us, we are living parallel lives to the Book of Mormon. There are warnings and instructions in this most magnificent book all over its pages. So, what instruction do we get from this chapter?
Starting in verse 13, it tells us they are told to gather together everything but their land, build fortifications, set guards both day and night, repent and cry unto the Lord. The Nephites jumped into action and did all they were asked to do to be prepared. They gathered in the center, unified and prepared, and waited upon the Lord to fight their battle. Their activities were completely unified, obedient, humble, and prepared.
This may sound weird, but this made me think of Relief Society activities for the coming year.
Our prophets have been rather bold about directing us these last several years, if we will have ears to hear. They are calling us to repentance, warning us of dangers, pleading for us to be unified in peace, obedience, and love.
What can the women of this church do to follow the prophets? And what have the prophets asked us to do?
This year, during conference, I’ve listed a few directions we’ve been given:
- Make Easter a bigger celebration than Christmas
- Access God’s power through covenants
- Daily repentance
- Teach children to have faith and make righteous choices
- Turn to Jesus Christ for relief and peace
- The answer is always Jesus Christ
- Don’t be the weak link in your family
- Be obedient in all things, including paying your tithing, then trust upon the Lord
- The most sacred responsibility is helping your children come unto the Lord
- Stay on the covenant path
- Guide precious children back to heaven
- Love is spoken here in our homes, activities, ministering, and service
- Think Celestial!
According to the Handbook, sisters are to use our Relief Society activities to “strengthen faith, build unity, strengthen families and homes, and make plans to assist God in His work of salvation and exaltation (
The Activities section has changed drastically over the years. The only specifications are:
- Activities may be planned
- Activities are meant to strengthen sisters and give them opportunities to serve
- Activities can be held anytime, except Sundays and Monday evenings
That’s it! No other guidelines than those. Gone is the monthly “requirement.” Gone are the titles, categories, and lesson plans. It is up to each Relief Society presidency to prayerfully look at the needs of her sisters, match them up to the wisdom and warnings of our prophets, and gather each sister in.
With the new year upon us, I invite presidencies to break tradition and follow the spirit. Follow the Nephites, who were righteous at this time, only they failed and were destroyed. That won’t happen to us. Lachoneus was given great counsel from the Lord. Unify; gather in the center all of your loved ones; support one another; follow the prophet; repent; prepare with knowledge, testimony, and warfare; be humble; and trust in the Lord.
The Lord is on His way, sisters. Time ran out for the Nephites. Will we have done all we can to help gather, prepare, unify, and fortify those we love and serve?
In our meetings, following the spirit lines up with D&C 46:2
D&C 38:39 warns us of pride, lest we become like the Nephites as old. It still could happen to us.
A lot more can be said about the promises of God.