I’ve updated the quotes I’ve collected over the years. You’ll find them gathered under the tab labeled Quotes on the upper right hand side. And here is a link as well.
These quotes focus on women and our potential and destiny. I’ve listed them randomly. I realize this makes it hard to find particular quotes, but I found these quotes randomly and I wouldn’t even begin to know how to organize them. It’s much more fun to enjoy them randomly. If I’m looking for one in particular, I actually enjoy reading through them from time to time because we women have been told some amazing and uplifting things over the years, and it’s nice to reread them occasionally.
You may want to share quotes with your sisters in a newsletter, bulletin board, or social media post. Maybe your ministering sisters would like a pick-me-up. Each quote has it’s complete reference and has been checked and double checked for accuracy. Please share them with all the women you know and love.
One thing that continues to amaze me is that as I’ve collected these quotes from all kinds of talks, throughout this final restoration of our church, I can testify that our Heavenly Father loves His daughters. And our leaders have always been clear about the value of women. I hope you will gain this same testimony for yourself as you read through them.
And our women leaders have been truly mighty women who lead with power and authority. This is our destiny: to let inspiration rule our tongue for righteous purposes, praising the Lord, even Jesus Christ, as well as our Father in Heaven’s glorious plan of salvation.
And I’ll continue to add to my quotes page as I hear and discover more wonderful things said about us!
Thanks you!