This is a General Conference Odyssey post for the October 2006 Priesthood session of General Conference.
Rise Up, O Men of God!
This is the clarion call to our fathers, brothers, sons, and all men. What does it mean to be a man, you may wonder. There are few public examples in the world today. But, I believe there are still many private examples in our homes of good men.
Lehi spoke those immortal words, “Arise from the dust, my sons, and be men” (2 Nephi 1:21).
Do you remember how we all felt when the Family Proclamation was given to us? We didn’t think it was THAT profound. We all said, “Well, of course, that’s how it is.” But, we see now how absolutely prophetic that wonderful proclamation truly is.
We live in a society that has lost its moral compass. There are men who think they’re women, and there are women who think they’re men, and many of them don’t care about anyone but themselves.
What is a true man?
Elder Christofferson said, “True manhood is defined in our relationship to women.”
Pres. Monson said, “Ours is the responsibility to so conduct our lives that when the call comes to provide a priesthood blessing or to assist in any way, we are worthy to do so.”
Pres. Hinckley said, “With this priesthood comes a great obligation to be worthy of it. We cannot indulge in unclean thoughts. We must not partake of pornography. We must never be guilty of abuse of any kind. We must rise up above such things.”
A true man is a man who honors his priesthood, who shows love to his wife and children, and who follows the Master, even Jesus Christ.