This is a General Conference Odyssey post for the Relief Society session of the October 2006 General Conference.
Sometimes, it seems like, on Sundays, we talk about our General Conference talks without really discussing how to apply what they are really trying to teach us. Sometimes, when I listen to women in Relief Society talk about their overwhelming frustrations with life, with home, and family, it sounds like they have forgotten what we have in the way of relief. Too often we look for other solutions. Too often we forget what God wants for us and has given us freely. Sometimes, I wish we would talk more about how to practice our abilities, gifts, and power in receiving revelation from our most loving Father.
President Nelson has been very clear how important it is for us to learn how to listen to the Spirit. We need to recognize how he speaks to us and learn to receive our own personal revelation. He said,
“I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation. … Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.” He even said these important words, “In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”
He spoke these words with a lot of love and a lot of urgency in 2018. But, we’ve been reminded many times over the years. In her 2006 address, Sister Kathleen H. Hughes, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, is reminding us about something we really already know.
“The actions we need to take are known to us: genuine prayer that is specific and humble, followed by quiet listening for the Lord’s answers; regular scripture study and time to ponder what we read; and, finally, a willingness to be introspective about ourselves and to trust in the Lord’s promise that He will ‘make weak things become strong unto [us]’ (Ether 12:27). As we study and ponder, we are entitled to the promptings of the Spirit, and as we grow more attentive to these promptings, we come to recognize each day the workings of the Lord in our lives.” And, she adds how we should be teaching our children, without hesitation or apology, “Our children need to hear us “talk of Christ, … rejoice in Christ, [and] preach of Christ” (2 Nephi 25:26) so that they may know to what source they can look for the peace that “passeth all understanding” (Philippians 4:7).”
The promise of peace is there! Even though this world weighs us down with burdens, worries, despair, heartache, and so on, we have been given all the rights and privileges of daughters of a God with revelatory solutions to our problems.
Our answer lies in understanding how revelation works between each one of us and the Lord. It takes practice and time. It takes intentional concentration, pondering, and repeating regularly all the requirements: scripture study, prayer, obedience, temple service, etc. We must learn to turn to the only true answer, even Jesus Christ. And through revelation we can feel our burdens lift off our shoulders, and our souls fill with His love.
Painting by Oleksandr at ArtDesignTop