Covenant Keeping

This is a General Conference Odyssey post for the Saturday morning session of the April 2009 General Conference.

I was talking to someone the other day about how it’s so easy to take for granted being a member of the church. The truth of the matter is that many of us do assume a lot of things within the structure of the church, over the years. But, the hard truth is that our hearts have to stay converted to Jesus Christ’s gospel in order to stay in the church.

Elder Christofferson reminds us in his talk, The Power of Covenants, that covenant living is real. We really are making a covenant with God and we can call on His power anytime to lift us out of any earthly mess we encounter.

When our daughter passed away, it was the knowledge we have of eternal families, and that we would see her again, that got us through. We were even a little envious of her, because now she knew everything about the Plan of our Father in Heaven. We believe because of the covenants we’ve made and the promises Jesus Christ has made to us. Our testimonies grew in ways we could hardly understand, yet we could not deny it.

The other day, someone said something about me that was quite hurtful. It stung and for a while I could think of nothing else. I got on my knees and said I needed Jesus to take the hurt away and help me forgive. About a day later, I could honestly say my feelings had been healed. The covenants I have made not only give me comfort, but bind me to my Savior who comes and rescues me whenever I call Him. This moment was a true testimony builder.

It’s extra special these days to take our grandchildren, to the temple, to do Baptisms for the Dead. Unfortunately, an emergency prevented us from making our appointment on time. But, even though we came late, everything worked out and we were still able to do some baptisms. When it comes to working in the temple, we find things usually work out; even working out for the better. This was certainly the case. Another group, scheduled to come after our appointment, actually arrived an hour early. We simply ended up trading appointment times with them. And we were able to watch them perform their baptisms.

We realized that the young man (who appeared a little rough around the edges) was baptizing the sister missionaries who had just recently taught him the gospel. This was his first time to the temple. He had all kinds of questions and several people were eager to explain things to him. It was such a privilege to witness this. Here was a young man just getting on the covenant path. He was on his way to discovering just how wonderful covenants will improve his life, and help him live a better life, with Jesus Christ at his side.

Our covenants bind us to Jesus Christ. Our covenants remind us to call upon Jesus. Our covenants grow within us a special love and devotion to our Savior. As Elder Christofferson states,

Our covenant commitment to Him permits our Heavenly Father to let His divine influence, the power of godliness, flow into our lives. He can do that because by our participation in priesthood ordinances we exercise our agency and elect to receive it.

And when we receive His divine power in our lives, our hearts bloom and we feel to sing the song of redeeming love.


Other General Conference Odyssey Posts:

Access to covenant power  Marilyn

Provident Living  Rozy