Emma said attention should be given to being unified. “Every member should be held in full fellowship—all jealousy and evil feelings toward one another should be done away”.
Women have a tendency to judge/attack other women. Did God really make us that way? Or do we succumb to the Natural Woman as easily and often as that? I have heard of one Relief Society cancelling all meetings until the women could finally be nice to one another. It took them seven years before meeting together again; and the Bishop’s opening words were a reminder to—BE NICE.
Lucy Mack Smith stood up in this second meeting, weeping of the Relief Society, and said how she rejoiced in the work of this Society. She was old and lamented that she wouldn’t be around much longer to see the good this Society would do.
A sister’s name was brought up in discussion. Someone said she had defamed the prophet Joseph Smith. The Society discussed how they could labor alongside her and possibly reform her. A sister was volunteered to do the job, but she objected on the grounds that she didn’t know the woman. Emma said it didn’t matter. “We must all be willing to look after one another.” It was agreed that several women would talk to the woman.
Another point of discussion was that a sister needed money, and the Society decided to offer her some money from their fund.
I love to hear that these sisters wasted no time in beginning their deeds for good. I am forced to contemplate how it would be to go to a sister to “reform” her, though. Maybe it’s syntax. Surely, those closest to, or assigned, should be open to hearing the offender’s side of the situation and discover the real offense.
Another thing I notice is the level of enthusiasm for a new organization. Of course, we all get excited with something new. It might be a good idea to give our Relief Societies a shot of—adrenaline; a new project, a new direction, or goal. If we were all to take a minute out and refocus, retrench, and reevaluate, we will remember our enthusiastic love for this organization and do “something extraordinary” (Emma’s words).
The Minute Book is now online at Joseph Smith Papers.