President Joseph Smith was in attendance at this meeting. It was noted that the room was full to overflowing with sisters wanting to become members of the new Society. (We don’t have that desire anymore. Sisters are too busy, preoccupied, or don’t feel included. How do we bring our sisterhood together, from the youthful sister, the elderly sister, the sophisticated sister, the Primary or YW serving sister, the depressed sister, the overwhelmed sister, or the sister with children demanding her attention?)
Joseph said too many sisters were being accepted into the Society. Each sister needed to be worthy and virtuous in order to be accepted in. One object of the Society was to “purge out iniquity. They must be extremely careful in all their examination or the consequences would be serious.” (When was the last time we checked for worthiness in Relief Society? Now a days, we are encouraged to bring all sisters into the fold, but how often do we really welcome, include, and build any woman up.)
He continued, “The Society should move according to the ancient Priesthood, hence there should be a select Society separate from all the evils of the world, choice, virtuous, and holy.” Joseph said God was going to make this Society a Kingdom of priests as in Enoch’s day, as in Paul’s day.” (Being a world-wide church doesn’t mean we should lower our expectations of one another. The demands should still be held high. We, the Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, have a mission to overcome the world and help all others to do so likewise. I think that means we should still be “a select Society separate from all the evils of the world, choice, virtuous, and holy”.)
A follow up discussion ensued on what happened with the lady who had spoken against Joseph (check previous meetings). Those who had spoken to the woman found her to be kind and agreeable; there was no evidence that she had misspoken inappropriately. Friendshipping and follow up would continue for the next meeting. Lucy Mack Smith stood and said, “We need to be careful. If we spend all of our time accusing one another of things, there will be no time to study scriptures together.” (Even back then there was gossiping, to the destruction of one’s character. I’m with Mother Smith. Women like to talk amongst themselves about other people. Time is used more wisely by going to the source, discovering what the problem is, and resolving the issue immediately, without supposition. Why waste time complaining and maligning one another when there is real work to be done? And no, it isn’t more fun; it actually casts a dark cloud and promotes hard feelings.)
Business continued with discussion of who could be helped in the future.
The Minute Book is now online at
<a title=”Joseph Smith Papers” href=”http://josephsmithpapers.org/paperSummary/nauvoo-relief-society-minute-book”>Joseph Smith Papers</a>