“We have owned a small home in Rosarito, Mexico, and go there a lot all year long. Over the years, we have enjoyed getting to know the Mexican community. With the help of sisters in my ward, we have supplied the schools and orphanages with school kits, newborn kits, hygiene kits, clothing of all kinds.
A few times we have brought down several friends and even a Boy Scout troop to fix the buildings, paint, make and put up curtains, all kinds of projects. The people there are always so grateful and delightful.We have bonded more with our ward helpers and made many friends with these choice people south of the border.”
That is so neat. Do you speak spanish? I would love to do something like that.
All of my RS Community posts have been sent to me, from all over the world, from sisters sharing their experiences. I hope you are enjoying them as much as I am.
I actually know several sisters who go to other countries to do humanitarian service–without knowing the language. I think they are very brave and adventurous. Sometimes it takes a connection, sometimes it takes pure gumption.
Please send me something your Relief Society is doing, so we can share in your good ideas. You can send pictures to ldswomenofgod@gmail.com.
Hi. We are thinking of going there for a while to do enjoy the the good people, the weather and find some service to do. How big is your branch or ward. Could we be of service there? Thanks