“Our Relief Society has started a challenge program called “I AM LOVED” in January, introducing the first month of goals. This will continue for a second month, with new goals, then culminate in time for our Relief Society Birthday Dinner in March. I hope the sisters won’t stop there, though. This challenge is meant to be used over and over again, as needed. Additional goals can always be added to those listed.
I felt strongly the sisters needed a challenge to help them focus their life. I wrote this program with the intent to bless them with strength, to make sure each one feels loved, and to give them opportunity to give love. I feel this is the essence of the gospel in action.
I gave the lesson the first month, introducing the plan. I had all my Counselors and Board pray for the Spirit to touch the sisters. I included songs in the lesson, because I feel music is such an important part of the challenge. It was powerful when I gave that lesson. I have never had such a response. It was talked about in Sacrament Meeting, in Sunday School comments, in Young Women lessons, even on Facebook.
When we introduced the 2nd month of “The Challenge” we had a second lesson and passed out the 2nd month goals. We have continued to pray for, and have kept the challenge alive, by giving out hearts to everyone doing, or trying to do, “The Challenge” in the announcement part of Primary, Nursery, Young Women’s & Relief Society.
*Please refer to Yoshihiko Kikuchi’s talk Opening the Heavens
Very Important Tip: Introduce–Reinforce, Reinforce, Reinforce.
May we all experience a wonderful outpouring of the Spirit as we take on this Challenge.”
Thank you to the West Jordan RS.
Can I just say, having a personal study time, or devotional, is such a good idea. And there are many many ways to do it. Find one way that works for you and become a student of the scriptures gaining an eternal relationship with your Heavenly Father.
Doing it as Relief Society sisters adds a mutual companionship we should all be working toward.
Thank you to all the thought and study that was put into the program above. I’m planning on giving it a try.
Hello! I am looking to do the Pursuit of Excellence program with my Relief Society and would love to see how you are structuring it. I would also love to see the goal handouts you have given your sisters as well! If you don’t mind sending me an email, that would be awesome! My name is Sarah and my email is sarahlovesusbornebooks@gmail.com.
Thanks! 🙂
This is a program developed by a RS president who has been released by now. But, at the bottom of the post, click on the words “Devotional Challenge.” This is the outline for her program to follow for a month. There are suggestions for challenges to continue over several months. And you are free to come up with your own suggestions, either using her model, or the one found in the Pursuit of Excellence program. What is so great about both of these ideas is that they are flexible enough to allow you to modify to suit the needs of yourself and/or your sisters.
Good luck!
I need a structured program