The Word of Wisdom is one of the signatures of our religion. We certainly know what NOT to partake of, but sometimes we forget the promises of such vital wisdom for our lives.
Pres. Smith has spoken boldly and clearly. The Doctrine and Covenants is also straightforward. Sometimes no other words will do but to read and ponder what has already been said.
The first thing we have to always keep in mind is that the Word of Wisdom is a PRINCIPLE, not a commandment. “It was given as counsel and advice, not by commandment or constraint, but as a word of wisdom, from our Father, for the temporal salvation of our bodies and the preparation of our souls for eternal life” (pg. 205). We need to understand the principle thoroughly, which can be reading and studying D & C 89, then use that counsel and advice to best care for our own bodies.
From True To The Faith (pg. 186-188):
In the Word of Wisdom, the Lord commands us not to take the following substances into our bodies:
- Alcoholic drinks (see D&C 89:5–7).
- Tobacco (see D&C 89:8).
- Tea and coffee (see D&C 89:9; latter-day prophets have taught that the term “hot drinks” refers to tea and coffee).
- Anything harmful that people purposefully take into their bodies is not in harmony with the Word of Wisdom. This is especially true of illegal drugs, which can destroy those who become addicted to them. Stay entirely away from them. Do not experiment with them. The abuse of prescription drugs also leads to destructive addiction.
The For The Strength of Youth Pamphlet adds an interesting line (under Physical and Emotional Health)
- avoid extremes in diet that could lead to eating disorders.
The Lord declares that the following foods are good for our bodies:
• Vegetables and fruits, which should be used “with prudence and thanksgiving” (see D&C 89:10–11).
• The flesh “of beasts and of the fowls of the air,” which is “to be used sparingly” (see D&C 89:12–13).
• Grains such as wheat, rice, and oats, which are “the staff of life” (see D&C 89:14–17).
We have to realize that the above is good counsel for everyone to follow. But we each have unique bodies that will need additional care. All of us have foods that don’t agree with us for one reason or another. For us, it is wise to judge for ourselves what foods to stay away from.
The Word of Wisdom has powerful promises awaiting our adherence to this good advice.
I look upon the Word of Wisdom as kind advice of our Father in heaven, who desires to see His children become more like Him…if you will avoid them I will give you the companionship of my Holy Spirit and joy while you live in the world and in the end eternal life” (pg. 204).
…if we will obey this law,—promises of wisdom, of health and strength, and that the destroying angel shall pass us by and not
hurt us, as he did the children of Israel” (pg. 205).
The “destroying angel” is Satan, so this becomes a great promise of safety.
I am fully convinced that the Lord in His mercy, when He gave us the Word of Wisdom, gave it to us, not alone that we might have health while we live in the world, but that our faith might be strengthened, that our testimony of the divinity of the mission of our Lord and Master might be increased, that thereby we might be better prepared to return to his presence when our labor here is complete. I fear that as sons and daughters of Zion we sometimes fail to realize the importance of this great message to the world” (pg. 206).
These promises are real, just as Satan is real and desires to have us. Pres. Smith’s final words should be considered by all of us.
Let me plead with you, search the Word of Wisdom prayerfully. Do not just read it; search it prayerfully.”