In a home setting, parents have to teach, repeatedly and consistently, truth so children grow up to recognize what truth in learning is. We are all on this earth to do what? Perfect ourselves. Many of us forget this and get caught up in crooked paths. But when we know who we are (we are sons and daughters of God), why we’re here (because we chose to follow the Son of God), and what life is really about (to practice perfection by learning how to act better and better, and teaching others by our good example) we will stop playing life’s games and realize we must work out our own salvation and save those souls around us.
Once, when (then) Elder Harold B. Lee spoke at a Relief Society Conference, he explained the necessity of ward councils. Both brethren and sisters are needed to work together seeing that ward members are sufficiently taught the gospel. The new Home Teaching program was still in its infancy, as was correlation of lesson materials. The idea behind Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching was to check on members and help them live the gospel according to what they were learning in their meetings. As the lessons are coordinated, the family can discuss the material, teaching and learning together. Elder Lee explained:
“Now can you see that plan in action? Mothers being taught…in Relief Society, fathers in…Priesthood meeting; a lesson actually planned for the parents in the home in a family manual; and then the Home Teachers once a month, given instructions to check to see that the parents understand how these lessons are to be taught, and any questions or problems ironed out. In other words, we are not going to be like someone said: “You talk about it, but what have you done about it?” Now, these are some definite fundamental steps, which you, as the leaders of the women of the Church, must implement. Now this is the thing we want you to carry out.”
It is the concern of every parent that when their child transitions into adulthood they stay true to the doctrines they have been taught. In our day, there are many Young Single Adults who aren’t getting married as young as they used to. As well, there are many family situations that are not “perfect”. That means it is more important than ever for parents to be strong, generous with their love and guidance, and ever teaching and reaching to these adult children and grandchildren. Elder Lee shared some examples:
“Only yesterday Sister Lee and I ran into two problems that are right here. One of them: a mother called to say, ‘Our son is attending college, and every day his teacher is indoctrinating him with socialism, and what are we going to do about it?’ she asked. And another, a fine, handsome boy just starting to college said, ‘Every day I attend this particular class in philosophy there have been created doubts in my mind and questionings of the faith and teachings of the Church. How can I rise above it?’ That is the problem, probably, of every home where they have college sons and daughters. Now what is the answer? The answer is, or the solution is that we fortify our children by giving them truths on which they can build a testimony that will fortify them against these things which are in the world and striking at the faith of our children.”
It is the responsibility of every man and woman to gain their own testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As children come along, they must be taught to love the gospel. This responsibility does not end within the walls of the home. As children grow and leave, to raise families of their own, the family expands and Patriarchs and Matriarchs continue to carry the torch of salvation. Likewise, as the ward is our extended family, all should be taken under the wing and taught the gospel of freedom and love.
The following are examples from Relief Society lessons published and taught in 1965.
“A great pianist, amidst thunderous applause, had just finished his masterful rendition of an extremely difficult concerto. After the performance one of his admirers approached him saying, “My, how wonderful! I would give my life to play as you do.” To which the Maestro replied, “Madam, so far that is exactly what I have given.” Regardless of the extent of our abilities, unless we work and develop them, we will never gain the highest achievement which we may obtain.”
“In this great Church of the Lord’s we shall not be entitled to the love and respect of our friends and neighbors nor the blessings from our Father in heaven simply because of our knowledge or gospel scholarship. Although knowledge and scholarship are important, they are useful only to the extent to which they are put to work in action in our lives.”
“The inhabitants of the ancient city of Enoch did not arrive at a condition of “exceeding” righteousness suddenly, nor by merely knowing the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but by living them.”
“Sister Ann is the mother of six children. Motivated by a Relief Society theology lesson which stressed the spirituality and wisdom to be gained from a consistent reading of the scriptures, she decided she would really like to form this reading habit. However, as she checked her already closely scheduled days, she seriously wondered how she could possibly add even a half hour additional activity. She explained the situation and her desire to her two older children, ages thirteen and fifteen, who volunteered to relieve her of a particular household responsibility. Sister Ann was thus able to devote the time gained to the project. Her reading not only increased her understanding of the gospel, but she selected particular scriptures to share with the children in the Family Home Evening Program. Mothers must have a knowledge of the gospel not only to live righteously, but also in order to answer correctly questions of their children. Knowledge comes to them as they obey the words of the Savior “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me” (John 5:39).
Harold B. Lee, “Place of Mothers in the Plan of Teaching the Gospel in the Home,” Relief Society Magazine, January 1965,