What is the Doctrine of Repentance?
A discussion of repentance can be found throughout the scriptures, but one of the most complete explanations can be found in Alma 42, when Alma is teaching his son Corianton. The Plan of Salvation has many names, many of which are given in this chapter:
Plan of Happiness
Probationary State
Plan of Mercy
Plan of Redemption
Restoration of God
All of these lead toward a reconciliation with Heavenly Father, which is repentance.

Repentance is not a one-time-only act. It is not only demanded of us for grievous sin. It is not a punishment. It is a merciful means to overcome our probationary state, which fulfills the demands of justice, and allows us to avoid the true pains and sufferings experienced by our Savior, so we can return to the sinless presence of our Heavenly Father.
Because of Jesus Christ’s great atoning sacrifice it is our choice, opportunity, and blessing to come unto Him with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. We accept His will to be our own. A mighty change will heal our broken heart bringing us exceeding great joy.
This must happen to every individual who desires to return and stay in the presence of our Heavenly Father.
What does President Benson say about Repentance?
Pres. Benson outlines a list of six principles that we would do well to remember as we strive every day to keep our lives pure and repentant as we walk through this life.
- This gospel is the Lord’s plan of happiness, and repentance is designed to bring us that happiness.
- True repentance comes only from our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Repentance comes from a change of heart, not just a change of behavior.
- Our broken heart and contrite spirit lets Jesus Christ in so He can succor us.
- The great and merciful gift of the Atonement is real, and truly is the vehicle to return us to Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ will completely forgive us. We must forgive ourselves.
- Hope in Jesus Christ will move us forward. Repentance is a lifetime process, which must be worked on in a consistent, daily practice.
Benson: “Watchmen—what of the night? We must respond by saying that all is not well in Zion.” (Ezra Taft Benson, “Cleansing the Inner Vessel,” Apr 1986)
Too many of us treat repentance lightly. Perhaps we think we don’t need to repent if we are doing okay, or doing our best. A casual approach toward repentance offers us little change. It takes serious effort to repent—showing our desire to change our hearts from within, bettering ourselves, and drawing strength from the Savior.
Benson: “Pride as the universal sin … is a ‘my will’ rather than ‘thy will’ approach to life. The opposite of pride is humbleness, meekness, submissiveness (see Alma 13:28), or teachableness.” (Cleansing the Inner Vessel)
Pride is what keeps us from repenting as we should. Pride seduces us into thinking we don’t need repentance, or to practice in overcoming anything. Pride covers our weaknesses in a false way that doesn’t require change.
How can we as women obey this doctrine?
We are held accountable for our actions just as men are. We must make our own mighty change. Women must seek after their own salvation—even while nurturing a household, even while working inside and outside the home. Calling upon the Lord consistently, practicing step by step, changing little by little into what Heavenly Father wants us to be will set us on the right path. As well, we have the power to bring children along with us, with our example and nurturing love.
Benson: “New editions of the scriptures have been published—are we taking advantage of them? More temples are located closer to our people—are we going to the house of the Lord more frequently? The consolidated meeting schedule was set up—are we taking advantage of the increased time with our families? A special home evening manual was provided—are we using it? A new hymnal has just been published—are we singing more songs of the heart? And so the list goes on and on. We have received much help. We don’t need changed programs now as much as we need changed people!” (Cleansing the Inner Vessel)
Benson: “[Women] changed for Christ will be captained by Christ. [Women] captained by Christ will be consumed in Christ. Their will is swallowed up in his will. They do always those things that please the Lord. Not only would they die for the Lord, but, more important, they want to live for Him.”
We live in a world where people are offended easily, struggles are met in solitude, and judgment is more prevalent than mercy. What would our ward Relief Society be like if we overcame these tendencies and loved one another, served and supported one another with compassion, and allowed each sister time to practice her repentance?
Benson: “The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature.” (Ezra Taft Benson, “Born of God,” Oct 1985)
This famous quote reminds us that change is the essence of our human experience. No matter how long it takes, we have been given precious time to change our weaknesses into strengths with the Savior’s help.
The following video is a compilation of three talks about grace, repentance, and the atoning sacrifice, which makes these precious gifts available. Jesus Christ loves us, He suffered for us, He took upon Himself everything we would experience so He could carry us through this difficult proving ground. As you repent, let Him take your burden and with a changed heart may you find the glorious happiness that awaits you.