It was roughly an eight-page newsletter that came out twice a month, carrying factoids from other national newspapers as well as local stories of interest. Poetry, household hints, and reports of various Relief Society Conferences would cover its pages.
It began publication in 1872 with Louisa Lula Greene (a niece of Brigham Young) as the first editor. Emmeline B. Wells became the second and last editor for the next thirty-nine years. Literally her baby, within its pages, she became known as the beloved “Aunt Em.” It would end its long run when Emmeline was called as the fifth General Relief Society President, and the church decided to start a new publication of its own.
Under Emmeline’s editorship, the Woman’s Exponent became a well known platform for the female voice as Mormon women desired women’s rights and woman suffrage. At one time, it was remarked that the newspaper “now wields more real power in our politics than all of the newspapers in Utah put together.” Emmeline gave it the subtitle, “The Organ of the Relief Society.” The Woman’s Exponent was published until 1914, when the Relief Society Bulletin and Relief Society Magazine replaced it.
I didn’t know there were older magazines for the women. Are you going to do an article or something about the current magazines like Latter-Day Woman and Latter-Day Bride?
The Woman’s Exponent and The Relief Society Magazine were actually church publications. The Church doesn’t do that anymore outside of the Ensign, New Era, and The Friend. Many LDS people have started publications for and about LDS members, but that is not what I am talking about here. I notice you are part of a new publication, Latter-Day Woman. Good luck with that.
I would like to help in some way to put the Relief Society Magazine online. I have a few volumes and have found them to be such wonderful resources. Is there anyone else working on this?
I would like to know the answer to your question as well. I wonder if this is something BYU is working on. It looks like they were the ones who made the Woman’s Exponent available.
Excellent site! My wife suggested that I put in my lds links website (myldslinks.com). I hope it will let lots of folks know about you all.
Howard Wood